2022 Colloquium Awards

Colloquium Award Winners


Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors the Colloquium will include four student awards:

  • Best Student Paper – Modeling Insights
  • Best Student Paper – Experimental Insights
  • Best Student Paper – Innovation/Creativity
  • Best Student Presentation

All awards consist of a first place award and an honorable mention. The winners will be awarded with a certificate and a monetary prize of $1,000 USD for the first place awards and $500 USD for the honorable mentions.

The awards will be announced during the conference and posted on the conference website.



To be eligible for the Student Paper awards, the awardee must

(1) be the first author of the paper, and
(2) the paper must contain research which was conducted by the awardee as a student.
The awardee does not need to be a currently enrolled student nor present the work.

To be eligible for the Student Presentation award, the presentation given by the awardee must

(1) be research which was conducted by the awardee as a student, and
(2) must be an author on the related paper, although can be in any author position.
The awardee does not need to be a currently enrolled student, although should not have graduated more than one year prior to the conference. 



Each eligible Student Paper and Student Presentation will be scored will be scored by CFSRC Consortium Principal Investigators or Affiliated Investigators. The judges will be selected to avoid any conflicts of interest – they are not an advisor of the student nor a coauthor on the accompanying paper.

A student paper may be evaluated in more than one category (Modeling Insights, Experimental Insights, Innovation/Creativity); however, it may be awarded only once. The criteria will be considered to choose the Best Student Paper are the followings:

  1. Originality: Contribution of the paper to cold-formed steel knowledge with an emphasis on the importance and relevance of the research question(s) and/or the approach.
  2. Significance: Clear positioning of the paper in the existing international Cold-Formed Steel literature with a convincing conclusion that is of significant potential.
  3. Quality of Methodology: Use of appropriate methodological rigor including critical analysis of concepts, theories and findings, and consistency and coherency of debate. Validity of any statistical or other analytical techniques.
  4. Organization and Writing: Quality of writing style in term of accuracy, clarity, readability, and organization of the paper.

The criteria will be considered to choose the Best Student Presentation are the followings:

  1. Organization: Information is presented in a logical sequence and the presentation is well organized.
  2. Verbal Communication: Delivery is confident, clear, and well communicated.
  3. Visual Aids: Figures and other visuals are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting. Slides are well laid out.
  4. Content 1: Material included is relevant to the overall message/purpose. Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made reflect well their relative importance.
  5. Content 2: Content and technical terms are at appropriate level for the target audience (various CFS sub-disciplines). Conclusions are relevant and based on the presented information.