CFSRC Colloquium 2020 – student presentation competition scoring

The CFSRC Colloquium will be held Oct. 20-21, 2020 (program). A unique feature of the Colloquium, through funding by the sponsors, is that we are able to award and fund best student presentation and paper awards. Here we provide a little insight on how we will determine the best student presentation award.

Each eligible student presentation will be scored by two CFSRC Consortium Principal Investigators or Affiliated Investigators. The two judges are selected to avoid any conflicts of interest – they are not an advisor of the student nor a coauthor on the accompanying paper. Each judge will rate the presentation with a score of 1-5 for five categories of equal weight:

  1. Organization: Information is presented in a logical sequence and the presentation is well organized.
  2. Verbal communication: Delivery is confident, clear, and well communicated.
  3. Visual aids: Figures and other visuals are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting. Slides are well laid out.
  4. Content 1: Material included is relevant to the overall message/purpose. Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made reflect well their relative importance.
  5. Content 2: Content and technical terms at appropriate level  for the target audience (various CFS sub-disciplines). Conclusions are relevant and based on the presented information.

The scores from both judges are added to determine the final score. If any ties occur, the involved judges will discuss the individual cases to determine our winner which will be announced in the final session of the Colloquium.